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Security in Telecommunication Networks – Past, Present and Future
2023-04-29, 12:00–13:00 (Europe/Berlin), Aula
Language: German

In this talk we will give an overview of the structure in general and the security features in particular of 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G Telekommunication Networks and how they compare to each other. Further more we will show some successfull attacks against the security of these networks from the past. With 5G this topic is importans as never as, not only in the european union, the new 5G infrastructure is considered critical infrastructure and therefore has an increased requirement for security.
If you are interested in cybersecurity, not only in the telecommunication industry but also in the critical infrastructure, this talk will have lots of interesting points for you to take with you.

Daniel Mende is a German security researcher leading the cybersecurity lab at ZTE Germany.
He specializes in network protocols and technologies. He is well known for his statefull fuzzing frameworks dizzy and
has also discussed new ways of building botnets and presented on protocol security at many occasions including
Troopers, ShmooCon and Black Hat. He has written several tools for assessment of telecommunication networks like
ss7MAPer, Pytacle, GTP-Scan and APNBF.

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